That Healthy Life Part 2!

It has been 3 months since I completely flipped around my diet! I'm so happy to say that i am feeling, looking, and eating so much better than ever before. In part one of this blog post, i mentioned not jumping on the scale at all. I'm not interested in the number but more in …

That New Fitness Lifestyle

I am a lover all junk food (I mean who isn't). You name it, I love it. I am also a sucker for anything sweet! Candy and chocolate are my weakness. Well at the beginning of this year I got some testing done for another health issue I had and it seems that my "health" …

March Challenge

What exactly is a March Challenge? I have been inspired by my favorite blogger, Ali Maffucci , to do a monthly challenge ( Seriously check her out! One of the most inspiring bloggers out there) . I mean who doesn't like trying new things. Every month, I will choose something that I want to accomplish and …

Tight Circle.

   Friends. A topic that we can go on and on about. How many bestfriends do you have? How many close friends do you have? What can you even consider a friend or a bestfriend? Is too many friends to much to handle? Is it okay to have a bestfriend who's a guy? We've all …