The Beginning of an Exciting Summer

Here's to probably the shortest blog post ever haha. Today is the beginning of an amazing summer coming up ahead. I wanted to check in with everyone in case I'm MIA over the next weeks. I'll be away and doing my last few weeks of schoolwork ever! After i leave today, I'm only home for …

Summer Bucketlist||To Do List

I am so excited that June is finally here! We are just a few days away from it being officially summer. We all love summer because we get to be outside so much more! This summer is special to me because I graduate August 1! That means I'll have one month of summer with no …

March Challenge

What exactly is a March Challenge? I have been inspired by my favorite blogger, Ali Maffucci , to do a monthly challenge ( Seriously check her out! One of the most inspiring bloggers out there) . I mean who doesn't like trying new things. Every month, I will choose something that I want to accomplish and …