Home Away From Home

This weekend was spent in FLORIDA! I was blessed to come visit my dad for Father’s Day in Tampa. We were able to see family, spend time in the sun, and laugh a ton with my dad.

For those who don’t know, I’ve been coming to Florida every year, multiple times a year, since I was 6 years old! We have a bunch of family here so we always made it down to FL at least twice a year to visit family & of course Disney! We’ve visited Disney, Universal, & sea world a millón times! We even had season passes to all the parks! So you can say that this is really my second home. My dad even finally made the move here a few years ago. So my sister and I do our best to see him every 6 months if we can!

My sister and my boyfriend joined me on this weekend away. We spent Saturday visiting family near the Orlando area & of course watching all the World Cup games! We then took our dad out to dinner at the Hard Rock hotel and casino in Seminole. We ate at the amazing buffet and stuffed our faces.

Sunday was well spent because Costa Rica played against Serbia! (side note: My father is from Costa rica and my mom is from Colombia). We had breakfast at my grandmas and then my sister and i headed to the beach. It was some well needed time in the sun trying to get some color haha. We had lunch at an amazing new place in Tampa called “Heights Market Place”. A huge hall with a bunch of food vendors such as Cuban, ramen, poke bowls, salads, and so much more! If your in the Tampa area, i really recommend coming here and trying some of their amazing food!

Sadly I’m at the airport now making my way home. Anyone else get extremely sad/depressed when they leave vacation? It’s always harder to leave Tampa. Especially that not only am I leaving one of my fav states, I’m also leaving my dad and my family here but I know it’s not long till I see them again! Hope you guys continue to tag along on my adventures! I am exactly 10 days till I’m on a plane once again (trust me, my next destination is going to be AMAZING!). So make sure you follow me in Instagram so you can see all the awesome photos I’ll be posting ! (Instagram handle: @mariannabolanos) Happy Monday!


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