What US Cities To Visit Next?


Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday! So glad the week is almost over. It’s been a busy week with my 24th birthday, school work, and lots of work. I am so blessed to see another year and hope 24 is filled with lots of love, adventure, and laughter! I have decided to take my birthday gifts and book a flight to a new city. Who needs materialistic things when you got the whole world to see?

As most of you know, I love traveling. I have been to 42 US states and countless of cities! This year I promised myself that I would see more states and hopefully see all 50 states. Even though I have been to those many states, I haven’t seen all the cities I have wanted to see. I feel the same way when visiting a country. There is so much to see but very little time. Last year i took two weekend trips to San Francisco (read about that trip here San Francisco Trip). I absolutely loved the city and it was worth just spending three days to see everything. I have made a list of cities that I want to see this year.



I have been dying to visit this city for years now. I love the west coast and this city looks so beautiful from all the picture I have seen! They have everything from hiking, to coffee tasting, to beaches, and so much more. I would love to visit Pike Place Market and enjoy the amazing seafood!


St. Louis

I had planned to visit this city on a road trip a few years ago but due to running out of time, we had to skip out. I know many don’t think this city has a lot to offer but i think they’re wrong. I would love to see the Arch, their botanical garden, and the national blues museum! Plus Missouri is one of those missing states on my list. This city makes a great weekend trip due to the short flight from New Jersey!


New Orleans

I have been to Louisiana but at the time didn’t think much of it. I have been seeing so many pictures of New Orleans and the beauty that it has to offer. For those who don’t know, I love the south (Florida is my second home). I want to walk Bourbon street and enjoy the culture and music that New Orleans has to offer.


San Diego

I have heard so much about this beautiful city! To be honest, I have been to LA and I was not that impressed. I love Northern California such as San Francisco, Napa, Carmel, and Sonoma. I am hoping to visit San Diego this year and see La Jolla Cove, Belmont Park, Point Loma, and Balboa park. I am also hoping to go a little north and visit Santa Monica pier, Laguna Beach, Joshua Tree National Park, and so much more!


This is such a stunning southern city. It reminds me a bit of Charleston. The old style homes and the history behind this city makes it such a touristy city. I would love to visit Forsyth Park and historic district. Not only would i love to visit Savannah but  I would love to visit Hilton Head which is just a short 45 minute drive. They have some really gorgeous beaches here! This beautiful state has so much to offer.

I love weekend trips. I work Monday – Friday and getting time off can be real difficult for me. I enjoy flying to the west coast for two or three days. I enjoy flying somewhere new even if its for a day. How can one see new cities if your not willing to travel one weekend at a time? I know a lot of people look at me crazy when I say I want to go to Seattle for the weekend. I enjoy the little sleep when it comes to seeing new cities and crossing things off my bucket list. We really only live once and what’s life but one grand adventure. So i encourage you with this post to book a weekend trip anywhere in the US and visit new places.

I have three exciting trips that I am currently planning! Can’t wait to share with you all 🙂 Hoped you enjoyed this post and it has encouraged you to make the best of the weekend and see new cities.


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